Group Games To Play on a Bus

Eugene Bulan
Updated: 31/05/2024

Charter bus trips are great for parties, field trips, even business transportation. After all, they cover long distances in a reasonable time and, if you are traveling with BCS Travel, at low costs. However, they will be extremely boring if everyone spends the whole time using their phones or taking a nap.

Here, we are going to show you ideas of games to play on a bus. They are simple to execute and can be easily adaptable to small and big groups. We consider them great opportunities for everyone to interact, get to know one another and bond. Not to mention they can make time go by much faster.

We decided to publish an article about this topic because BCS can take care of everything else for you. We work with transportation specialists who have vast experience in drawing the best routes to drive you anywhere, so you can simply sit back, relax… and enjoy fun games to play on the bus.

What to know about bus ride games?

First of all, it’s important for you to keep in mind how many people will be traveling and how long is the trip. That will help you decide which and how many games to play, for example. After all, it’ll be better to finish one game with time to spare than to interrupt the next one because you’ve arrived.

Another important point is organization. Some games require preparation, such as paper sheets for everyone or even bringing a small speaker along. Besides that, it’s always good to keep one person as the moderator to keep everything under control. Especially if you are going to use point systems.

Last, but not least, we know that everyone becomes more interested when prizes are involved. Not necessarily expensive ones, though: it can be something as simple as a chocolate box, or having the losing team buy dessert. People are moved by the feeling of victory more than the actual money.

  • Road trip bingo: We start by listing common items we see on a road trip, such as landmarks, a specific type of car or truck, rivers etc. Then, the participants of this fun bus games will tick the items as soon as they see them. The first one to fill their sheet will be entitled to a prize.
  • Scavenger hunt: Similar to the previous one. The difference is that people can have a list of items to scavenge each one only once. This way, the first person to complete the list will be the winner. Being familiar with the route will allow you to make the list more competitive!
  • Twenty questions: One of the best games to play on the bus with friends. The rule is that you have to come up with yes/no questions. Other than that, you can select any theme you consider good – if you’re traveling with coworkers, your field of work is a great idea to start.
  • License plate: Classic among bus games for adults. You can make a list beforehand and give it to the participants, so everyone will know what to look for. You can always make things more interesting by turning the game into a competition, but it’ll depend on who’s playing.
  • Spotting: It can be cars of a certain color, trucks of a certain company, even a certain type of tree depending on the group. The goal is to choose an item that appears many times on the road. You can also team aisle seaters with window ones, so the game won’t become unfair.
  • Chain game: Select a topic (music, TV, food, cities etc.) and have one participant say a word about it. The next person, from the opposite team, will have to say a word that starts with the last letter of the previous one and so on. If someone takes too long, they lose their turn.
  • Tell a story: A much harder version of the previous one. Have a participant start a story with only 4 words. The next person will have to continue it with other 4 words, and so forth. You can help by presetting a story theme, the story’s period, or even an initial idea of the plot.
  • Question games: The host asks a question, and the first person to make themselves heard gets to answer; if it’s right, they score a point. The trick here is noise control: a microphone is great to use, but you have to keep things under control in order not to distract the driver.
  • Trivia: Similar to the previous one, but in this case you will need a set of questions: they can be of multiple themes or one of common interest. You can find those questions online if you don’t want to write them on your own. There also apps to help you keep track of the score.
  • Guess the lyrics: This one requires a speaker. Start by playing a song that everyone knows, then pause it all of a sudden. Point to a random participant and have them sing what comes next in the lyrics. Resume the song to verify their answer. If it’s correct, they score a point.

Those games to play on buses are interesting to keep people interacting with one another. This is a great way not only to make time pass faster, but also to give them a chance to connect, share good moments, and make new friendships. This is a great way to enjoy the long time of a typical bus trip.

Normally, this is the moment where we’d say that one person of your group would have to trade all that fun for the task of driving the vehicle. But, fortunately, this is not the case here. BCS Travel has chauffeured bus services to offer, so your entire group can relax and focus on those bus ride games

About the author

Eugene Bulan

Eugene Bulan, CEO of BCS Bus Travel, steers the company with not just a keen business mind but a true traveler's spirit. Managing the ins and outs of the company, his days are often filled with making big decisions, ironing out operations, and ensuring each journey offered by BCS is special and seamless for every traveler. It's not just about numbers for him; it’s about crafting experiences, bringing joy to travelers, and ensuring every bus journey feels like a little adventure.

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